When it comes to new seasons and major updates in Diablo 4, not everything makes it into the patch notes. For many players, uncovering these hidden tweaks has become an exciting tradition each time a new season rolls out. It’s like finding Easter eggs that everyone can enjoy together.
Season of Witchcraft, Diablo 4’s seventh season, kicked off on Tuesday. Alongside it, we got a chunky gameplay patch, packed with seasonal goodies, quests, and some magical powers. However, some of the most buzzworthy changes have been flying somewhat under the radar, unrelated to the headline features.
Over on the ever-watchful Diablo 4 subreddit, the community spotted a subtle yet much-requested tweak to Incense. This change, though small, feels like it just clicks. Now, Incense lasts 30 minutes, neatly matching the duration of Elixirs. With both timers ticking simultaneously, players can synchronize their usage without one running out before the other.
Previously, Incense would expire before Elixirs, leading to some awkward timing issues. You’d either find yourself waiting for your Elixir to finish before reapplying both or scramble to apply a new Incense, often forgetting about renewing your Elixir. For endgame players who rely heavily on these consumables, the new setup alleviates those small yet frustrating management headaches.
Patch 2.1.0, rolled out with the season, brings another quality-of-life perk to Elixirs. The crafting menu has been revamped for better organisation. Gone is the cumbersome scroll of every possible Elixir, replaced by neatly categorized options. This means no more confusion about Elixir tiers cluttering your mind as you delve deeper into the game’s crafting features.
On another note, the Armory has been getting some much-deserved love. You might have noticed that the Wardrobe and player customisation screens have seen a complete overhaul. Pigments now have their own dedicated tab, simplifying the process of colouring your gear. The redesigned layout is user-friendly and provides ample space for our burgeoning collection of transmogs.
However, with every update, some old issues do resurface. This time, it’s the pesky item notification bug that’s made an unwelcome comeback. If this persistent little nuisance grinds your gears, you’re certainly in good company.
All in all, the Season of Witchcraft has received heaps of praise from the community. Players are particularly pleased with the substantial quality-of-life improvements that have elevated Diablo 4 since last year. These enhancements benefit everyone, whether or not they dive into the seasonal content, making the game more enjoyable all around.