Let’s cut to the chase: Helldivers: Super Earth is absolutely worth the hype, whatever “it” may be. Every Helldiver knows this by heart, and unwavering loyalty is kind of a big deal for Super Earth’s citizens. But Helldivers don’t just talk the talk; they’ve got to walk the walk, or rather, look the part of those dedicated disciples of democracy. Enter the next Warbond: Servants of Freedom, launching on February 6, to help them suit up and represent.
Now, you may be wondering, what does genuine dedication to democracy look like?
Think Hellbombs. They’re a quintessential expression of liberation — big, loud, and omnipresent. They embody the spirit of democracy and, quite literally, lift spirits along with buildings, Bile Titans, and those pesky Automaton sites. Picture this: carrying that kind of freedom on your back. That’s the B-100 Portable Hellbomb, a symbol of democracy neatly packed into a backpack. Just a heads-up: once activated by you or a trusty teammate, remember to place it on the ground and scram, because it’s got a non-negotiable ten-second countdown. Tick Tock!
Curious about making the Sickle even more formidable? Just overclock it and feel the heat. The LAS-17 Double-Edge Sickle turns agony into ecstasy as it singes the wielder along with everything in sight. Shoot through the pain, brave Helldiver.
Need a little extra bang to spread democracy far and wide? The GP-20 Ultimatum, a grenade pistol perfect for your secondary slot, is the answer. It’s like a grenade launcher that’s chugged a power drink, ready for close-range action. But handle it with caution, lest you “liberate” yourself along with your enemies!
Introducing a fresh throwable: the G-50 Seeker. This nifty little drone tags along with you and detonates near foes upon detection. Plus, it’s got the cool ability to lock onto pinged enemies, essentially going on its own mini-crusade.
Want protection that packs a punch? Enter the IE-3 Martyr and the IE-12 Righteous medium armors, featuring robe and cloak-like designs. These armors are equipped with Integrated Explosives passive protection — making sure that even in death, you’re taking some enemies down with you. Your mind, soldier, is untouchable.
They come with helmets that boast stoic faces, ready to face anything head-on. Show no fear, Helldiver, and cloak yourself in gear that echoes your oath of allegiance: pair these armors with the Fre Liberam and Per Democrasum capes.
For the full effect, don the Servant of Freedom player title and bust out the Raise Weapon cheer. Stand tall as a genuine proponent of democratic ideals.
Step up as one of Super Earth’s faithful warriors and flaunt your fervor for Managed Democracy with the Servants of Freedom Warbond, landing on February 6!
*Note: Access to this content requires the base game, Super Credits purchase, and appropriate game progression.