Fortnite fans are buzzing with suggestions and requests these days. A hot topic is the call for Epic Games to introduce a cooldown period on the Kneecapper’s charged attacks, as players have grown weary of its relentless assault capabilities. In the spirit of Chapter 6 Season 2, which has a strong heist theme, some players are less than thrilled with certain aspects, particularly the content of the loot in the vaults. Many hope for more exciting additions soon to spice things up.
Chapter 6 Season 2 hasn’t just stirred requests about weapons; it has also revived some controversial old favorites, like Midas’ Drum Gun and Brutus’ Minigun. To get their hands on these, players must navigate the backrooms of Black Market areas—a feat requiring an Outlaw Keycard. These keycards don’t just fall into your lap, though. Players must complete a series of quests, such as vault break-ins and medallion collections, to earn and upgrade them. It’s a repetitive but straightforward process that players seem to be using to their advantage.
Recently, a Reddit user, Willie_Willikers, vented about the Kneecapper’s mechanics and proposed a cooldown between its charged strikes. A wave of players supported this notion, sharing experiences where opponents could spam strikes in small spaces to secure easy wins, leaving few strategies to counteract such tactics effectively.
Debate continues as some players suggest reducing movement speed while wielding a charged Kneecapper. The problem is apparent when players report incidents of getting pummeled mid-air after being hit, with no chance to recover before the opponent closes in for another blow.
Adding to the excitement, there’s chatter about new exotic weapons possibly entering the mix soon via the game’s Black Market. The Rift Launcher, in particular, has fans eager after its brief appearance in a trailer for Chapter 6 Season 2. The Rift Launcher promises intriguing gameplay potential, allowing players to create rifts strategically to enhance mobility or disrupt enemies. With this and the constant ebb and flow of new content, there’s a palpable sense of anticipation surrounding Fortnite’s evolving landscape.
Fortnite enthusiasts can keep their fingers crossed for these changes, particularly with the evolving loot options keeping the game fresh and invigorating. As fans await these potential updates, the community remains as lively and passionate as ever about everything Fortnite has to offer.