Jon Lindemann lives in a perpetual state of being… Jon Lindemann.
This week, we embarked on our tradition of naming the Top Five Games of 2024.
For those who aren’t familiar with how we do things at RFN, there are essentially no strict rules. Our loose guidelines suggest that the game should be released for Nintendo systems in 2024. However, these aren’t set in stone; flexibility is the name of the game here. Generally, it’s a game you’ve had the pleasure of playing in 2024, though we’ve seen exceptions where games weren’t played during the year in question.
With these incredibly loose guidelines, reaching a consensus for a collective Top Five is a futile endeavor. Thus, each list is entirely personal.
Naturally, there’s some overlap. The coveted #1 position is shared on two separate lists. I bet you’ll never guess which game snagged that top spot—I’d put money on it. Of course, someone out there will claim they predicted it, but I’ll take that with a grain of salt.
Go ahead—whisper your creative concoctions into our digital domain.
This episode’s editing magic was performed by Guillaume Veillette. The “Men of Leisure” theme song, crafted especially for Radio Free Nintendo, is the work of Perry Burkum. Check out more of Perry’s creations on SoundCloud. As for our logo, credit goes to Connor Strickland. Discover more of his work at his website.
To close out this episode, we featured “Chasing After Dad” from Another Code Recollection, requested by A.G. All rights are reserved by Nintendo Co., Ltd.