Bungie recently rolled out Update for Destiny 2, a move aimed at polishing the Crucible’s gameplay and remedying some persistent bugs. This update reversed the recent modifications made to the Hunter’s Astral Stasis Drake Helmet and adjusted weapons like Thorn, Lotus-Eater, and Deterministic Chaos.
In the world of live-service games such as Destiny 2, updates and patches are a staple. With the game constantly introducing fresh content, events, and seasons, there’s always a risk that something might not function as intended. This makes regular updates crucial.
While Destiny 2 has found its groove lately, the transition to episodic content since the Final Shape expansion hasn’t been without hiccups for Bungie or its players. Past episodes have had their share of headaches, including a particularly troublesome bug that stopped some coveted weapons from dropping with desired perks. Bungie has been quick to tackle these issues, showing commitment by rolling out regular updates to smooth out the experience.
Bungie also released another update with the weekly reset of Destiny 2. This latest update,, addresses bugs like ensuring Vesper’s Host appears in weekly rotations, fixing a possible soft lock in the Court of Blades, and refining exotics such as Thorn and Deterministic Chaos. Additionally, the update includes a rollback on a change to the Hunter’s Astral Stasis Drake Helmet, which had a visual glitch with its hood. Bungie plans to bring a new version of the helmet that defaults to a lowered hood in the future.
This patch introduces further changes to Destiny 2’s recent Crucible adjustments. For Update, the Lockdown mode received the most changes: players can now revive teammates, heavy ammo spawn times have doubled from 60 to 120 seconds, and teams must neutralize a zone to prevent a triple cap. On the competitive side, Bungie fine-tuned the points system. A bug was also fixed that had been preventing solo players from getting loss protection against duo fireteams.
What’s fascinating is that not every bug gets squashed. Sometimes Bungie embraces them, turning them into features. A recent bug made class-specific swords and glaives accessible to all Destiny 2 players. Instead of reverting this, players are now allowed to enjoy gear that would usually be off-limits. This bug also spurred the developers to plan for more unique weapon animations for Titans and Warlocks, akin to the Hunter’s Quickfang and Goldtusk swords.
Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes
Episode Heresy
- Court of Blades
- Fixed a possible soft-lock when defeating a challenger with no time left on the clock.
Episode Revenant
- Kell’s Vengeance
- Resolved an issue where the Devouring Essence debuff could duplicate during Skolas battles.
Raids and Dungeons
- Ensured Vesper’s Host appears in weekly rotations.
Game Modes
- Lockdown
- Fixed incorrect VO during round victories.
- Revives now enabled.
- Heavy ammo spawns now occur at 120s into a round.
- Updated initial spawn points.
- Neutralizing a zone is now required to prevent a triple cap.
Point Gains / Losses
- Increased point gains from Skill Delta modifier when defeating/losing to higher skill teams.
- Removed the ability for Skill Delta to reduce gains or increase losses.
- Solo vs. Fireteam Loss Forgiveness
- Fixed issues where solos didn’t get loss protection against larger fireteams.
Gameplay and Investment
- Reverted changes to the Hunter Astral Stasis Drake Helmet.
Check the ‘Marks, Bonds, and Cloaks’ section of the 03/20/2025 TWID for more info.
- Fixed an issue with the Mark of the Fallen Star ornament disrupting some Exotic armors.
- Corrected Lotus-Eater’s kill tracker numbers.
- Fixed ammunition issues for Glaives with active Discord perk on projectile kills.
- Deterministic Chaos: Corrected anti-Champ issues with mods and Radiant.
- Thorn: Fixed Refined Soul buff stowing issue.
Power and Progression
- Corrected Master Spelunker objective for Guardian Rank 11 to require Sundered Doctrine instead of Vesper’s Host.
- Frostflower Sparrow now properly catalogs in Collections.