2024 was quite the year for fans of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology, largely thanks to your boundless enthusiasm and creativity. It’s been a remarkable year not only for the community but for the franchise itself. We started off with a bang with the New Year, New Age showcase and crowned champions at Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado. Meeting many of you at Gamescom and celebrating the launches of Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires Mobile were other highlights. The franchise grew in exciting new ways, welcoming over 10 million players, reaching a whopping 60 million players worldwide.
Our community’s input continually shapes the franchise’s future. We’re thrilled to kick off 2025 with a sneak peek at what’s on the horizon. So sit back and get ready, because there’s plenty to unveil!
March Launch for the Immortal Pillars Expansion – Pre-Order Today!
For those eagerly awaiting more adventures in Age of Mythology: Retold, the next chapter is almost here! After our big reveal at Tokyo Game Show, the Immortal Pillars expansion is officially set to launch on March 4th. And yes, you can pre-order right now! This expansion is brimming with new content, including the Chinese pantheon, breathtaking maps, mythical creatures, and innovative gameplay elements. Be sure to check out the highlights of this exciting new content!
For those who already own the Age of Mythology: Retold Premium Edition, break out the champagne because the Immortal Pillars is included at no extra charge! Dive in on day one without delay.
Age of Empires II: DE and Age of Mythology: Retold Coming to PlayStation 5
I’m thrilled to announce that Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold are making their way to PlayStation 5. This move is all about player choice and community expansion. Cross-play connectivity means you can join up with anyone, anywhere, ensuring every battle, tactic, and empire counts on the global stage.
First up, Age of Mythology: Retold will head to PlayStation 5 on March 4, coinciding with the Immortal Pillars launch. PlayStation 5 gamers can embark on epic adventures with characters like Arkantos and explore all features available on Xbox and PC. PlayStation owners can also snag the Immortal Pillars expansion, diving into the rich tapestry of the Chinese pantheon.
PlayStation 5 Bonuses:
Grab the Premium Edition for early access beginning February 27th, inclusive of the new Immortal Pillars expansion, and more delightful surprises!
There’s also a special pre-order treat with two exclusive Blessings for the Arena of the Gods mode.
Post-March 4th all updates will roll out simultaneously across platforms—Steam, Windows Store, Xbox, and PlayStation 5—so everyone can play together.
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on PlayStation
Come spring, the iconic Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition will debut on PlayStation 5. To make things even sweeter, a much-anticipated DLC expansion is on the horizon, introducing fresh content, new civilizations ready for Ranked play, and promises of unifying gameplay across PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5. While we’ll keep some cards close to our chest until spring, here’s a teaser of what’s to come!
No matter your location or platform of choice, you can connect, compete, and share your love for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology.
Double the Fun: Two New DLCs for Age IV in 2025
Huge news for Age of Empires IV players! We’re not dropping just one but two exciting DLCs this year. Previously introduced features like variant civilizations are expanding, complete with community-driven enhancements. Variant civilizations allow us to capture historical military diversity, and we’re including some exciting additions, including one highly requested since The Sultans Ascend.
Along with these variant civilizations, we’re updating visual readability, refining shared units and buildings, and incorporating exclusive game modes that invite quick and repeatable experiences. These changes encourage new strategies and skills development over time.
Eager to unravel more? Luckily, the wait won’t be long! Spring will see the launch of our first DLC, Knights of Cross and Rose, delivering invigorating gameplay experiences for Age IV enthusiasts. Lead famed armies influenced by history and brace yourself for a challenging solo mode.
Keep your eyes peeled for our in-depth look coming soon. Our Age IV team is buzzing to share more!
Age of Empires Mobile: The Adventure Continues
Just four months after its debut, Age of Empires Mobile has already enthralled millions, welcoming new fans to our vibrant community. From Halloween thrills to the Mightiest Empire contest, governors have been leading epic heroes like Boudica and Lu Bu to glorious victories.
February packs a punch with fresh features and events:
- Battle of Dawn: An exciting campaign based in a fabled temple, where you’ll maneuver temple relics and wield class skills across four stages leading to cross-server battles.
- Stellar Glory: A brand-new battle zone event pits you against governors from various kingdoms.
- Valentine’s Day Treats: Don’t miss unique items like the Heart Hunter’s Circus Citadel Theme and Passionate Reverie Troop Set.
- Josephine’s Treasure Hunt: Engage in three thrilling events—Celestial Chronicles, Path of Starlight, and Alchemist’s Secret Art. Roll dice to earn rewards as you navigate the game board in pursuit of treasure!
Keep an eye out for these updates arriving in February.
And to top it off, we’re offering an exclusive gift code. The first 20,000 users can claim it: Code: AoEMVLTN
Embracing 2025
This only scratches the surface of what promises to be an extraordinary 2025. Keep tabs on our community channels and blog updates at ageofempires.com to stay in the loop.
Your feedback and desires matter, so continue voicing them through social media, forums, Discord, and Steam.
Gear up and prepare to conquer 2025 like Zeus commanding the skies, Joan of Arc leading the charge, or Genghis Khan sweeping the steppes. I’ll see YOU on the battleground! 🛡️⚔️